Tuesday 13 October 2015


What is a server?
A server is a computer program which manages access to a unified resource or service in a network.

What are the different types of servers used in IT?
The different types of servers used in IT include: 
Server Platform, Application Server, Audio/Video Server, Chat Server, Fax Server, File server, Email server, print server  virtual server as well as many many more.

Print server

A print server (or a printer server) is a device which connects printers to a computer hardware or software through a network. The server accepts the print jobs from the computers and then sends them to the chosen printer. An advantage of print servers is the fact that it saves money.

Email server 
An email server (also known simply as a mail server) is an application that receives incoming Emails from any local users. It acts like a storage area as it is where all emails are stored. It's like a virtual post office. A disadvantage of this the risk of hacking if the correct security is not used.

File server

A file server is quite simply a server that provides access to files. It's like the central file storage location that is accessible to multiple systems. An advantage of file servers is that they can easily be shared between other users. Furthermore, data is easy to back up as it is all stored in the file server.

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